Tuesday 28 July 2009

bust a bust baby

im going to be skint by next week. its like im throwing my money away. i think i've spent about £15 on bus fare in about 3 weeks. its really not good, at all.

on a brighter note im enjoying the holidays. these dancey days are good, at middleton arena. but im really achey. and i wish ballet was on in the holidays because when i go back im going to be really bad which sucks.
i need to tone up, but im getting bored of sit ups. its like all i know of that helps your tummy muscles, apart from press ups, and that bench thingy. but i'll pass on them.

well. im done for now, my lifes too uninteresting for anyone to stalk me on this website :')

Saturday 25 July 2009

im happy

suprising, considering the cirucmstances.

1. thankyou for everything

2. i love you too much.

3. what are you doing at all?

4. why are you so different?

5. what happened to us?

im quite ill, mega blocked nose, 'orrid sore throat, slightly dehydrated.


Tuesday 16 June 2009

rock cakes

im not really sure what they're meant to be, or what they're meant to taste like, but im sure my cookie//biscuit variation would be nicer :)
i very much enjoyed today, it was so sunny, and dinner time was very energetic, but also very funny :D i love sunnyness :) i have a mild tan, but i just look silly because its only half of my leg haha, the top half still resembles a milk bottle,

im gonna copy my myspace about me onto here,
because it doesnt even say my name on here

hi, im kj :) im gonna do a really long about me because im just in that mood. i've changed quite alot over the year, and i think its for the best, i've been through quite alot too, hopefully things will calm down abit (y) i love dancing more that anything else, i dance every day and it can put me in a good mood, and when i dance, i zone out and let myself go, its the only thing i do without thinking about what people will think, because when im dancing i honestly don't care. im quite self concious, but i also can be very confident, im very rarely shy. i like acting like a complete goon, and i make a fool of myslef quite alot. i love my friends so much, i'd be no-where without them, and im not ever going to take them for granted. i love going on walks round norden, and walking through the river with our wellies, and following paths with no idea where they'll take us. music's a big part of my life, i love to sing and i listen to different genres depending on my mood. i think manchester is really lovely at night, and i prefer everything when its sunny. i like having lazy days when i dont even get dressed, but i love the days when im out exploring :D i really wanna go to a festival with my brother or someone, i'd enjoy it well loads :) i rely on my phone way to much, and im trying to use it less, because i dont think we should rely on technology, aha says me sat here on myspace. i find school quite upsetting tbh :') i cant wait to go to college, i cant wait to go somewhere new, and meet new people, and not have to worry about if my shirts tucked in, or if i dont have a black bobble, or any of the other pathetic rules. according to the wii fit im overweight, but my mum disagrees, so do i. im not skinny, but i dont think im fat. well i dunno, i might be. my lifes going to fast, this year has gone so quick, it feels like its just wasting away, i dont want to grow up, i want to be a teenager forever, but we cant have everything we want :')

there you go :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxx x x x o

Sunday 14 June 2009

Hannah Leah Valentine ;]

okay, basically, i've decided i dont tell her enough how much i love her, so i'll do it now. she's my best friend and we've just been through too much aha. she understands me, she talks my language infact, and even though most of our conversations are bitching about 'trees' or 'trees friends' or other stuff, haha, it doesnt matter because thats what she's for :) we've had quite alot of abuse off people, but we can take it, and i know she's not miss perfect, but i wouldnt want another best friend, i dont believe in perfect. we're different in so many ways, but then we're just exactly the same, she can make me laugh by just saying 3 words, and i can always count on her for anything. i love the dinner times where we just sit and talk, and i love the days where we go on walks round norden, and the sleepovers, and the trips to shaw, and when i havent seen her for ages, just seeing her makes me smile. okay yeah, i'll just admit it, she turned me into a lesbian : loveyou! <33333333

Saturday 13 June 2009


well the second blog has arrived, im really unimaginative so i dont really know what to put. im finding today really lovely, everythings so much nicer when its sunny. everything looks more pleasant, are there's people about everywhere and its all good. and i thought i'd put this picture in because, well i dont know why, but i quite like it aha, the pop boutique bag crew :') right anyway. im all out now, so thats all for now.

Sunday 7 June 2009

i don't know what im doing.

this is new for me, but i'll try and keep up with it. i probably won't be able to do it every day aha, but im sure once a week will do. idk what im meant to be doing here but i'll figure it out won't i :)
im going to explore this now, x